Contributor’s Guide

Updating and publishing a new package

$ pip install --upgrade bump2version
  • Note: You cannot publish a package with the same version number as another already-published version! You must use bump2version to increment the current version for a publish to be successful.

# test documentation build
# Note: if stylesheets are not updating, do a `make clean` before building.
$ cd docs
$ make html
# see any undocumented objects
$ make html -b coverage

# Handling an open issue
# ...assign the issue to yourself in Github...
$ git checkout -b issue-1
# ...make fixes...
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "fixes issue-1"
$ git push --set-upstream origin issue-1
# PR...
# ...PR merged, issue closed automatically...
$ git checkout main
$ git pull
$ git bumpversion
$ git push --tags
# Code packaged, documentation updated, and version released automatically!

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "msg"
$ bumpversion major|minor|patch # with bump2version, bumpversion is an alias
# and to update main branch
$ git push
# to trigger a package & release
$ git push --tags

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